The University Hospital Center (CHU) of Toulouse is the reference health stru...
Scroll DownThe University Hospital Center (CHU) of Toulouse is the reference health structure, and it is located in the center of the Occitanie Ouest region. Toulouse is also an agglomeration that has a steady pace of population increase. The Toulouse University Hospital is the largest employer in the region. It carries out its care, prevention, teaching, and research missions with the help of nearly 4,000 medical professionals and 12,000 hospital staff members, which adds up to nearly 16,000 people working in the health service overall. The hospital consists of several sites that are distributed in the north and south of the city.
It takes care of about 280,000 patients and 915,000 doctors every year. This makes it the fourth busiest hospital in France. The only university hospital in the Occitanie Ouest region, it focuses more than half of its work on emergency care, which is made possible by very high-quality technical tools and teams. At the national level, the Toulouse University Hospital is in charge of 19 reference centers for rare diseases and 68 competence centers, or it is linked to them.
The Toulouse University Hospital has been at the top of the charts made by the national news for the past 20 years.
In Western Occitanie, the Toulouse University Hospital is a major player in the field of oncology and cancerology. It treats about 25% of its patients with cancer. In 2014, it joined with its public and private partners, especially the Claudius Regaud Institute, to form the Toulouse Cancer University Institute (IUCT), a new way for France to organize cancer care, research, and teaching. This network of public and private places makes it possible to improve the quality of care in the region by letting sick people get the best care as close to their home as possible.
The Toulouse University Hospital has a long history of experience in telemedicine. This makes it possible to build the hospital of the future as close to the home as possible using new technologies (Diabsat, Osicat, etc.) and working with all health and medical partners.
The CHU’s mission to do study and come up with new ideas is an important part of both its daily work and its plans for the future. It is done in close cooperation with universities and study organizations, such as the National Institute for Health and Medical study (Inserm) and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Teams from CHU also work on a lot of projects with companies that make drugs and medical devices, as well as with groups and other hospitals.
In terms of teaching, the Toulouse University Hospital is a partner of the University of Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier’s schools of medicine (Purpan and Rangueil), pharmacy, and dental surgery. The Toulouse University Hospital helps both people who work in hospitals and people who don’t work in hospitals learn in college and after college. The Toulouse University Hospital’s Regional Center for Education and Training in Healthcare Professions (PREFMS), which opened in 2015, is a campus with 12 schools and training centers for healthcare professionals.
Internationally, the Toulouse University Hospital welcomes health care facilities from other countries and works to improve its international relationships through knowledge, twinning agreements, cooperation agreements, and other means.
We are able to demonstrate our dedication to providing care that is centered on the needs of the patient and highlight the positive difference that we have made in the lives of our patients.